OPTiQUE Lighting Design (Pty)Ltd. has Optique Lighting Supply, Import, Manufacture and Design under Its umbrella.
The Head Office and Factory are based In Gauteng, and there is a Regional branch in Cape Town, together employing 25 permanent staff at present.
The Company was established In 1981.
At that stage it imported solely from Italy , Germany and Spain. Over the past 25 years, the company has prospered, developed and expanded Into Design and Manufacture, and keeps up to date with the latest ideas and technology, by attending all International Trade Fairs.
After 25 years, Optique is still the sole and exclusive importer of
REGGIANI Lighting.
While the Company’s strength lies In projects, it is also strong in the domestic Market, and manufacture of Special Fittings For Specific Applications.
Optique is a supplier to:
Retail Shopping Outlets
- Shopping Malls
- Airports
- Hotels
- Corporate Offices
- Hair Salons
- Vehicle Dealerships
- Golf Club Houses And Estates
- Houses And Cluster Developments